M113: Computer science


This course is intended for 1st year health and safety students. The objective of this lecture is to allow students to learn basic principles of algorithms and then they will be able to code with an advanced programming language.


Lecture 1: Introductiion to computer science1.25 MB
Lecture 2: Basics of C++ programming415 KB
Practical work 294 KB
Practical work2's solution75 KB
Lecture 3: conditional statements260 KB
Practical work 389 KB
Practical work3's solution119 KB
Chapter4: C++ Loops252 KB
Practical work 444 KB
Practical Work 4's solution90 KB
exam2023.pdf220 KB
corrigetypeexam2023.pdf224 KB
controle1_2022.pdf234 KB
corrige_type_controle1_2022.pdf258 KB
controle1_2019.pdf232 KB
corrige_type_controle1_2019.pdf249 KB
First Exam's solution259 KB