This course is intended for third-year engineering students and aims to provide the basic concepts related to the field of Business Intelligence (BI). Business Intelligence refers to the set of tools and techniques that allow processing relevant information for the company's manager, helping them make well-informed decisions that take into account all previously analyzed data.
The purpose of the course is to lead a Business Intelligence project, meaning learning to adopt a new approach to the digitalization of the company, focused on anticipating the needs and expectations of users.
To facilitate students' familiarization with the field, I propose the following chapters:
Chapter 1 : Introduction to BI
Chapter 1 : Introduction to BI FR
Chaptre 2 Data Warehousing and ETL Process : Corporate Governance and Business Intelligence
Chaptre 2 Data Warehousing and ETL Process : Corporate Governance and Business Intelligence FR
Home Assignment as part of the personal work to be completed within the context of this module:
Organize yourselves into groups of 4 to 5 to prepare a PowerPoint document with a maximum of 20 to 25 slides that presents one of the following BI tools:
- JasperReports
- Pentaho
- SpagoBI
- Palo
- JavaEye Reporting Tool (JERT)
- OpenRPT
- OpenReports
- StimulSoft
- Clickview
- ...
Good luck!