
Azeddine Bilami received the Ph.D. degree in 2005. He is currently serving as a Professor (full position) at the department of computer science, and the Head of LaSTIC laboratory, at University of Batna2. Prof. A. Bilami has more than fifty publications in international journals and conferences including IJCA (Actapress), IJSNet (INDERSCIENCE), IEEE Communications Letters, Springer Verlag, IGI Global, and Elsevier publications. He also served as a member of editor boards, a member of steering committees and a member of technical committees in many international conferences and journals (COMNET, COMCOM (Elsevier), HINDAWI journals, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, IAJIT, Journal: Journal of King Saud University, NGNS..). His current research interests are mainly focused on Network Security, Routing Protocols, Mobility, QoE and QoS in wireless and mobile networks, WSNs and the IoT( Internet of Things).

You can find a complete CV at the following link:


cv-bilami-2019.pdf222 KB