Operating Systems 1 -- 2nd year licence -- Term 2

Course logistics

  • 13 weeks on campus class
  • Classroom: Amphitheatre A4
  • Class meeting: Saturday 10h00 – 11h30 AM
  • Teacher: Dr L. Saadi
  • Reception hours: After class or by appointment

About the course:

This course is designed for the second-year students in the fourth term, it's a new course titled “operating systems 1”, it is among the basics of computer science because without an operating system there is no functional machine.

After studied algorithms, architectures of computers and the basic of computer language and structures, in this term the students go far in their formation to study the concepts of an operating system; where they need to know the meaning of an OS and its objectives.

Aims and objectives:

The aim of this module is to bring the student closer to the operation of a machine through a set of programs making up the operating system.

Study the principles, algorithms and organization of operating system functionalities. The aim is to identify the common concepts underlying modern systems, such as time-sharing, scheduling, memory and disk management.

Practice all this studies on tow operating systems: Windows and Unix (Ubuntu).

The students are expected to:

1/ know the position of an operating system in computer science.

2/ know how to create and develop a program from A to Z, and learn what means a process.

3/ study how the process and OS manage the interrupts.

4/ learn how the OS manages the main memory and master the functionalities of the part that responsible of this task.

5/ master the way that the OS schedule the processes.

6/ know how the OS manage the input/output operations.

7/ learn what means file system and management.

8/ after all that, the students are expected to have a power to analyse and comment what happen in their machines.

Further Long -term objectives include

1/ The students must be capable to manage their machine and know the origin of all operation and they can explain what happen in the background of the hardware and software they have.

2/ prepare the students to learn more functionalities of the OS like parallelism and distributed OS.

Prerequisites for the course:

The students are required to:

1/ study the concepts of algorithms.

2/ have knowledges in computer architecture.

3/ master the binary language.

4/ program with the C language

Course elements: The course has

1/ one lecture in the week

2/ one tutorial class in the week

3/ and one practical class in the week using the Unix OS Ubuntu.

Attendance policy:

The attendance is important in the lecture class because the information will be very important to follow the tutorial and practical classes with the reason that the handout of the course doesn’t contain all details and explanations. Also, there will be some examples and problems done in the lecture class.

Communication protocol:

Students can contact the teacher by her email l.saadi@univ-batna2.dz

Grading and evaluation policy:

This course will be based on the following weightings:

1/ Continuous assessment calculated by formula: mark of tutorial class /20 + mark of practical class/20

Mark of tutorial class:

  • Application exercises and assignments: 02/ 20
  • Classroom presentations: 08/ 20
  • Term exam : 10 / 20

Mark of practical class:

  • Application exercises and assignments: 02/ 20
  • Classroom presentations: 08/ 20
  • Term exam : 10 / 20

2/ the final exam /20

Syllabus of the course:

Chapter 1: Introduction to operating systems (definition, features, history, examples)

Chapter 2: Program development (program editing, translation, link editing, loading, ...)

Chapter 3: Additional information on basic mechanisms (units in the processor, registers, addressing modes, interrupts, etc.)

Chapter 4: Central memory management (objectives, different sharing modes, virtual memory, paging, segmentation, etc.)

Chapter 5: Process and processor management (process states, dispatcher, scheduler, scheduling mechanisms, etc.)

Chapter 6: Input/Output management (I/O types, peripheral controllers, I/O control modes, etc.)

Chapter 7: File management system (definition, FMS functions, file management, directory management, etc.)
