
BOUGHABA ABDELAALI is Lecturer at the Institute of Hygiene and Industrial Safety at Mustafa Ben Boulaid BATNA 2University, Batna, Algeria, he is doctor of science in electro-technical, and he is member of the Industrial Prevention Research Laboratory (LRPI). He was deputy director in charge of post graduation and currently he deputy director of pedagogy. Since the beginning of the 1990s, he has been interested in the numerical control of electrical machines and the diagnosis of failures in industrial and particularly electrical systems. His current research interests concern the control of motors without collectors (BLDCM), the fault diagnosis using artificial neural networks. Institute of Health & Industrial Safety, Mustafa Ben Boulaid BATNA 2 University, Fesdis road Constantine, Batna, Algeria.

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il dédié à l'exposition principalement de cours de risques électriques et l'application d'outils informatique (Matlab) en Hygiène et Sécurité.


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