
Zeggada S, Aouag S, HEDJAZI D. Integrating Reinforcement Learning with Analytic HierarchyProcess for Autonomous Service Web Composition., in First International Conference on Autonomous Systems and their Applications (ICASA'22). El-Tarf, Algeria ; 2022.
Tarek Amine H, HEDJAZI D, Aouag S. A deep reinforcement learning-based cooperative approach for multi-intersection traffic signal control. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence [Internet]. 2022;114 (2022) :105019. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Recently, Adaptive Traffic Signal Control (ATSC) in the multi-intersection system is considered as one of the most critical issues in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Among the proposed AI-based approaches, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has been largely applied while showing better performances. This paper proposes a new DRL-based cooperative approach for controlling multiple intersections. The problem is modelled as a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) system, while each agent is trained to select the best action to control an intersection by obtaining information about its local lanes state. The cooperation aspect is manifested in this approach by considering the effect of the state, action and reward of neighbour agents in the process of policy learning. An intersection controller applies a Deep Q-Network (DQN) method, while transferring state, action and reward received from their neighbour agents to its own loss function during the learning process. The experimental results under different scenarios shows that the proposed approach outperforms many state-of-the-art approaches in terms of three metrics: Average Waiting Time (AWT), Average Queue Length (AQL) and Average Emission CO2 (AEC). In addition, the cooperation between the different trained DRL-based controllers allows the system to continuously learn and improve its performance by interacting with the environment, particularly when the traffic is congested.
Haddad TA, HEDJAZI D, Aouag S. An IoT-Based Adaptive Traffic Light Control Algorithm for Isolated Intersection. n Advances in Computing Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2020 Fourth Conference on Computing Systems and Applications (pp. 107-117). Springer International Publishing. [Internet]. 2021. Publisher's Version
Kadri S, Aouag S, HEDJAZI D. An Incremental Model Projection Applied to Streamline Software Architecture Assessment and Monitoring. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) [Internet]. 2021;12 (3) :27-43. Publisher's Version
Kadri S, Aouag S, HEDJAZI D. MS-QuAAF: A generic evaluation framework for monitoring software architecture quality. Information and Software Technology [Internet]. 2021;140 (December 2021) :106713. Publisher's Version
Chorfi A, HEDJAZI D, Aouag S, Boubiche DE. Problem-based collaborative learning groupware to improve computer programming skills. Behaviour & Information Technology [Internet]. 2020. Publisher's Version
Kadri S, Aouag S, HEDJAZI D. Multi-View Model-Driven Projection to Facilitate the Control of the Evolution and Quality of the Architecture. International Journal of Software Innovation (IJSI) [Internet]. 2020;8 (4) :19. Publisher's Version
Aouag S, Kadri S, HEDJAZI D. Towards architectural view-driven modernization. 2020 International Conference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering (ICAASE) [Internet]. 2020. Publisher's Version
HEDJAZI D, Chorfi A, Aouag S. A Clinical Reasoning Learning Groupware: An exploratory study of factors affecting the adoption behavior. 2020 4th International Symposium on Informatics and its Applications (ISIA) [Internet]. 2020. Publisher's Version
HEDJAZI D, Layachi F, Boubiche DE. A multi-agent system for distributed maintenance scheduling. Computers & Electrical Engineering [Internet]. 2019;77 :1-11. Publisher's Version
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HEDJAZI D. Constructing collective competence: a new CSCW-based approach. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology [Internet]. 2018;12 (3-4) :393-416. Publisher's Version
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abderraouf Ferradji M, HEDJAZI D. Modeling collaborative learning: case of clinical reasoning. [Internet]. 2017;1 (3) :52-53. Publisher's Version
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HEDJAZI D. Scheduling a maintenance activity under skills constraints to minimize total weighted tardiness and late tasks. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations [Internet]. 2015;6 (2) :135-144. Publisher's Version
HEDJAZI D, Zidani A. Group awareness evaluation in e-maintenance Groupware system, in The 1st International conference on artificial intelligence and information technology. Ouargla, Algeria ; 2014. Publisher's Version
HEDJAZI D, Zidani A. Contribution à l'ordonnancement des activités de maintenance industrielle sous contraintes de ressources et compétences. 9th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization & SIMulation [Internet]. 2012. Publisher's Version
HEDJAZI D, Zidani A. Development of an industrial e-maintenance system integrating groupware techniques. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering [Internet]. 2011;9 (2) :227-247. Publisher's Version
HEDJAZI D, Zidani A, Boussedjra M. A New Collaborative System for Industrial Tele-maintenance. International Review on Computers and Software [Internet]. 2008;3 (5). Publisher's Version
