Boubiche DE, Boubiche S, Bilami A. A Cross-Layer Watermarking-Based Mechanism for Data Aggregation Integrity in Heterogeneous WSNs. IEEE Communications Letters, (Impact Factor: 3,457) [Internet]. 2015;19 (5) : 823 - 826.
Ensuring data aggregation integrity introduces new challenges for data aggregation security protocols in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we propose an efficient watermarking based security strategy to ensure data aggregation integrity in heterogeneous WSNs. The proposed security scheme suggests a new fragile watermarking technique based on a dynamic embedding mechanism and a cross-layer approach. Compared to the existing heterogeneous security solutions, our system respects the resources limitations of the homogenous sensor nodes and optimizes the data aggregation process on the heterogeneous aggregation nodes. The proposal is evaluated using simulation.