Rahmani Mouna, Baheddi Mohamed KM.
Mapping removal swelling clay soils in the Aures (N’gaous) Algeria. Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Seria Geografie. 2016;17 (4) :143-152.
AbstractThe shrinkage and swelling phenomena of certain clay soils cause differential settlement manifested by disorders that affect mainly the individual frame. The objective of this research was to create a map related to these phenomena especially in the area of Algeria
N’gaous (figure 1). The approach of the study is primarily based firstly on the interpretation
of a geological map at a scale 1 : 50 000 and on the other part from existing literature and
observations on a synthesis of a large number of geotechnical information to determine
susceptibility to the phenomenon of clay or marl formations. This approach consisted in the
establishment of a synthetic departmental mapping of these formations that have been
identified from a hierarchy as to their susceptibility according to the shrinkage and swelling
phenomenon. This classification was established on the basis of three quantifiable main
features: the dominant lithology of formations, the mineralogical composition of their clay
fraction (proportion of swelling minerals) and geotechnical behavior (primarily assessed from the blue value and the plasticity index).
Key words: marl, smectite, shrinkage and swelling, natural risk, geotechnical mapping,
paper_baheddi_rahmani.pdf BAHEDDI Mohamed, DJAFAROV Mekhti CHARIFA.
A method for predicting the deformation of swelling clay soils and designing shallow foundations that are subjected to uplifting. AGS - Acta Geotechnica Slovenica. [Internet]. 2016;18 (35) :67-77.
Publisher's VersionAbstractSwelling soils can be found in many parts of the world. The state of practice in this area has been changing over recent decades. The design of foundations for expansive soils is an impo rtant challenge facing engineers. The excessive damage is, in part, due to the lack of proper design, resulting in the need for better tools for practitioners in order to assess the impact of swelling soils in typical design applications. A correct measurement of the swelling pressure is required for an accurate prediction of the heave. A theoretical model is proposed to describe the swelling potential of clay soils on the basis of their characteristics obtained from oedometer tests. This paper describes analysis of the behavior of swelling soils when moistened under buildings and structures. The methods and principles currently used for the design of structure foundations on swelling soils involve important problems due to the non-uniform deformations of these soils when subjected to structural loads. The current study was conducted to compute the uplifting of shallow foundations on swelling soils considering the water-content change as well as the contact-pressure distribution under the footing.
peper_baheddi_acta_geotechnica.pdf BAHEDDI Mohamed, DJAFAROV Mekhti CHARIFA.
Calculation the uplift of isolated piles founded in swelling soil. BEST: International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering (BEST: IJMITE). 2016;4 (4) :75-82.
AbstractSwelling soils are found in many regions throughout the word. The state of the practice in this area has been changing over the past decades. Design of foundations for expansive soils is an important challenge faced by engineers.
The methods and principles currently used for the design of foundations on swelling soils involve important problems due to non-uniform deformations of these soils when subjected to structural loads. In situ and laboratory tests were used to investigate the most fundamental aspects. This article analyses the behaviour of a pile in a swelling soil when it is moistened. The tendency that develops at the present time, for the design of a pile in a swelling soil, consists in verifying the calculation of the bearing capacity of piles, taking into account the reduction of the resistance induced by the swelling soil on the lateral surface of the piles. This situation leads to an upward displacement of the pile, and, in case of excessive humidity the characteristic of the rigidity as well as the bearing capacity charge, which in this case decreases. An analytical approach of introducing a contribution, proposed method consists in calculating the rise of the pile, based on the study of
the influence of a swelling clay type and the length of the pile.
Keyworsd: Swelling Soil, Piles, Uplift, Tension.