Pr Hassen Bouzgou received the State Ing., Magister and Doctorat of sciences degrees in electronic engineering from the University of Batna, Batna, Algeria, in 1999, 2006 and 2012, respectively, and the HU (Habilitation Universitaire) in Electronics from the University of M’sila, M’sila, Algeria in 2014.
From 2001 to 2002 he worked at Algerie Telecom. From 2007 to 2016 he worked with the Department of Electronics, university of M’sila. He is currently Full Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Batna 2, where he has been since October 2016.
He supervised many students at the graduate and undergraduate levels. He conducted several research projects in electronics and renewable energies and published several papers in these areas. His research interests include machine learning and pattern recognition methodologies for renewable energy signals, high-dimensional data analysis and chemometrics.
Pr Bouzgou is a reviewer for many international journals in the field of renewable energy, member of the International Solar Energy Society.
Pr Bouzgou has been on the scientific and organizing committee of:
-The 3rd Winter International Conference on Energy Science and Application (ICESA 2014) ( Hainan, China),
-The 2nd International Conference on Application of Materials Science and Environmental Materials (AMSEM2014) (Zhangjiajie, China),
-La première conférence nationale sur l’Électronique et les nouvelles Technologies (NCENT’2015) (M'sila, Algeria),
-2nd International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Applied Mathematics (MSAM 2017) (Bangkok, Thailand)
-The international Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems (IC-AIRES'2017, IC-AIRES'2019, IC-AIRES'2020, IC-AIRES'2021, IC-AIRES'2022), Algeria.
-Invited speaker at The 7th Int'l Conference on New Energy and Sustainable Development Sanya, China
-program chair of the 2015 International Conference on Environmental Science and Energy Engineering (Phiket, Thailand).
- 6th International Conference of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (MAT 2020), June 27-28, 2020 Copenhagen, Danmark
- ICHREME2023: 1st International Conference on Hydrocarbons, Renewable Energies, Materials and Environment, February 26-27, 2023, ( Adrar, Algeria )
Doctorate Thesis
doctorat_bouzgou_hassen.pdf | 1.41 MB |