The existing literature on process scheduling issues have either ignored installation times or assumed that installation times on all machines is free by association with the task sequence. This working arrangement addresses hybrid flow shop scheduling issues under which there are sequence-dependent configuration times referred to as HFS with SDST. This family of production systems are common in industries such as biological printed circuit boards, metallurgy and vehicles and automobiles making. Due to the increasing complexity of industrialized sectors, simple planning systems have failed to create a realistic industrial scheduling. Therefore, a hybrid multi-agent and immune algorithm can be used as an alternative approach to solve complex problems and produce an efficient industrial schedule in a timely manner. We propose in this paper a multi-agent and immune hybrid algorithms for scheduling HFS with SDST. The findings of this paper suggest that the proposed algorithm outperforms some of the existing ones including PSO (particle swarm optimization), GA (Genetic Algorithm), LSA (Local Search Algorithm) and NEHH (Nawaz Enscore and Ham).
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