

Professor within the department of Process Engineering at the University of Batna 2, Algeria, Réda Khama obtained his HVAC Engineering degree from University of Constantine1, HVAC Magister degree from University of Oum El Bouaghi and PhD in Chemical Engineering from University of Béjaïa, in Algeria. He became Associate Professor within the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ouargla, in the field of agri-food products drying.

His previous and current scientific work focuse on food drying such as fruits, vegetables and meats (Convective drying, solar drying, phenomena during drying, simulation and modeling of the drying process, quality of dried foods, etc.).

He is involved in two research projects related to thermal drying and quality of dried foods. He is author or co author of some articles published in national and international scientific journals. Also, he has participated in many national and international congresses and conferences and has organized some local and national scientific events.

Dr. KHAMA REDA collaborates with the PEPs - Products, Environment, and Processes research group in the Chemical Engineering laboratory (University of Liège, Belgium). He also cooperates as referee for many international scientific journals and has been a member of academic-scientific councils. He has also been a member of scientific committees for national and international conferences.


Skills and Expertise :

Chemical Engineering - Drying - Heat and Mass Transfer - Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning - Mathematical Modelling - Modelling and Simulation - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - Solar Energy - Solar Thermal 

Websites and Social links :

Professional website   Google Scholar   Web of Science   Scopus   ORCID   AD Scientific Index   ResearchGate   Linkedin   Semantic Scholar   MDPI SciProfiles