
Maîtrise des Probabilités et de la Statistique : Guide pour les Étudiants en Formation d'Ingénieurs en Génie des Procédés (ISBN : 978-9969-538-71-7 ; Dépôt Légal : 12/2024)
Khama R. Maîtrise des Probabilités et de la Statistique : Guide pour les Étudiants en Formation d'Ingénieurs en Génie des Procédés (ISBN : 978-9969-538-71-7 ; Dépôt Légal : 12/2024). 1st ed. Tlemcen, Algérie: Maison des universitaires pour l’édition, l’imprimerie et la diffusion; 2024 pp. 105.Abstract

Cet ouvrage pédagogique est spécifiquement conçu pour les étudiants de deuxième année du parcours Ingénieur en Génie des Procédés. Conforme au canevas du parcours Ingénieur d’État, particulièrement destiné aux bacheliers TM, il propose une approche exhaustive et structurée des concepts essentiels de la statistique et des probabilités, indispensables aux futurs ingénieurs.

Divisé en deux parties principales – Statistique et Probabilités – ce guide explore les notions de base, les méthodes d'analyse des données univariées et bivariées, ainsi que les théories et applications des probabilités. Les étudiants y trouveront des explications claires, des exemples concrets et des exercices pratiques qui facilitent l'apprentissage et renforcent leurs compétences analytiques.

Ce guide pratique est un outil incontournable pour les étudiants désireux d'acquérir une compréhension approfondie des probabilités et de la statistique et de les appliquer de manière efficace dans le domaine du génie des procédés. Grâce à sa pédagogie accessible et à ses ressources variées, cet ouvrage prépare les étudiants à exceller dans leurs études et à relever les défis de leur future carrière d'ingénieur.

Ce support résulte de la lecture d’ouvrages et de documents, dont la plupart ne sont pas cités dans la bibliographie. Fort de trente-deux années d'enseignement de cette matière (au lycée, en formation professionnelle spécialisée et à l'université), je partage ici une approche exhaustive et structurée des concepts essentiels.

Le livre est composé de neuf chapitres : 

Partie A : Statistique

Chapitre A1 : Définitions de base

Chapitre A2 : Séries statistiques à une variable

Chapitre A3 : Séries statistiques à deux variables

Partie B : Probabilités

Chapitre B1 : Analyse combinatoire

Chapitre B2 : Introduction aux probabilités

Chapitre B3 : Conditionnement et indépendance

Chapitre B4 : Variables aléatoires

Chapitre B5 : Lois de probabilité discrètes usuelles

Chapitre B6 : Lois de probabilité continues usuelles

Assessing the feasibility of solar drying for fruits and vegetables in El Hodna region, M'sila, Algeria
Khama R. Assessing the feasibility of solar drying for fruits and vegetables in El Hodna region, M'sila, Algeria. Brazilian Applied Science Review (ISSN 2595-3621) [Internet]. 2024;8 (2) :e76202. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This study investigates the feasibility of solar drying of fruits and vegetables in El Hodna region, M'Sila, Algeria, by examining key climatic factors such as solar radiation, air temperature, humidity, and air velocity. Solar drying is a sustainable food preservation method that leverages solar energy to remove moisture from agricultural products. El Hodna region, characterized by abundant sunlight, high temperatures, and favorable air velocity, presents an ideal setting for this technique. By conducting a comprehensive analysis of climatic data, this study aims to ascertain the region's suitability for efficient solar drying. Climatic data, including solar radiation levels, air temperature, humidity, and air velocity, were collected from meteorological sources. The analysis revealed that the region receives high levels of solar radiation, averaging 6.5 kWh/m²/day, and experiences air temperatures ranging from 25 to 35°C, which are conducive to drying. Additionally, the relative humidity, averaging around 40%, facilitates effective moisture removal, while air velocity, typically between 2 to 4 m/s, helps accelerate the drying process by enhancing moisture evaporation. These findings indicate that the climatic conditions in El Hodna are highly favorable for solar drying. The study concludes that solar drying is a practical and viable method for preserving fruits and vegetables in El Hodna, M'Sila. Implementing this technique can significantly reduce post-harvest losses, enhance food security, and promote sustainable agricultural practices. The potential benefits extend to local farmers, providing them with a cost-effective and eco-friendly preservation method that leverages the region’s natural climatic advantages.

Advancements in food preservation technologies: enhancing food quality, safety, and sustainability
Khama R. Advancements in food preservation technologies: enhancing food quality, safety, and sustainability. Brazilian Journal of Technology (ISSN 2595-5748) [Internet]. 2024;7 (4) :e76174. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The field of food preservation has seen remarkable advancements, driven by the need to enhance food quality, safety, and sustainability. This paper provides a comprehensive examination of the latest food preservation technologies, detailing their principles, applications, and impacts on the food industry. Traditional methods such as canning, freezing, and drying are discussed alongside innovative techniques like high-pressure processing (HPP), pulsed electric fields (PEF), and cold plasma. Emphasis is placed on the benefits these advanced methods offer, including extending shelf life, preserving nutritional and sensory qualities, and reducing food waste. The review also addresses the challenges associated with each method, such as equipment costs, scalability, and potential health effects. By synthesizing current research and technological developments, this paper aims to provide valuable insights into how these technologies can be utilized to optimize food preservation processes. It highlights the importance of these advancements for pedagogy, scientific research, and societal benefits. Furthermore, the review underscores the necessity for continued research to address existing challenges and enhance the efficiency and applicability of these technologies. This comprehensive analysis is intended to assist researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers in understanding the state of food preservation technologies and promoting their use to improve food quality and safety.

Studying the convective-dried tomato shrinkage by X-ray micro-CT imaging
Réda KHAMA, Erwan PLOUGONVEN, Angélique LÉONARD. Studying the convective-dried tomato shrinkage by X-ray micro-CT imaging. Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences (ISSN: 2764-0981) [Internet]. 2024;5 (2) :e12030. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The use of X-ray micro-CT imaging (X-ray microtomography), which is an effective imaging technique that provides multiple advantages across different fields (non-destructive, high resolution, density contrast, versatility, in-situ analysis, and 3D modeling), for experimentally determining shrinkage during fruit drying has not been extensively researched. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to examine the shrinkage phenomenon during convective drying of tomato slices, using three different temperatures (40, 50, and 60°C) at constant air velocity of 1 m.s-1 and very low humidity. Indeed, the shrinkage curves showing the evolution of the volume ratio (V*) versus the water content ratio (X*) are determined by X-ray microtomography. According to the findings, the tomato exhibits anisotropic shrinkage that is not affected by temperature, and a single shrinkage curve is proposed. On average, the volume decreases of 70% of its initial value. The water content affects both thickness and diameter shrinkage in a linear manner until X* is 0.2. However, when the values are below 0.2, the diameter and especially thickness decrease quickly, with a polynomial and logarithmic trend, respectively.

Effect of microwave drying on onion (Allium cepa l): experimental study
Youcef RAHMANI, Réda KHAMA. Effect of microwave drying on onion (Allium cepa l): experimental study. Studies in Engineering and Exact Sciences (ISSN: 2764-0981) [Internet]. 2024;5 (2) :e11878. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Onion is an agricultural product widely used in daily life in fresh or dried state where microwave-drying method is one of the exploitable techniques. In such an operation, it would be important to control the effect of the output power in the device on the physicochemical quality of the food. In addition to the water content, the study of the physicochemical quality of onions concerns the color and the shrinkage rate. Monitoring and controlling these parameters is strongly recommended for microwave-dried onions. Onion slices of fixed dimensions (thickness of 10 mm and diameter of 67 mm) are microwave dried, at four different powers (90, 180, 270 and 360 W). The physicochemical quality of the samples is measured at each end of drying and all evaluations are based on minimum values. The results show that the increase of the drying power of the onions accelerates the degradation of their color and increases their shrinkage rate; nevertheless, a reduction in the drying time is quite remarkable. The browning index and shrinkage rate of onion slices are proportional to the microwave drying power. However, the drying time is inversely proportional. Finally, a drying power equal to 90 W and a thickness of the onion slices equal to 10 millimeters are recommended.

Effect of salting time and drying method on physicochemical characteristics of dried meat from the longissimus muscle of Algerian dromedary camels
Youcef RAHMANI, Réda KHAMA. Effect of salting time and drying method on physicochemical characteristics of dried meat from the longissimus muscle of Algerian dromedary camels. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (Print ISSN: 0889-1575 Online ISSN: 1096-0481) [Internet]. 2024;135 (November 2024) :106572. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The present study aims to evaluate the effects of a cold brine (4 °C) pre-treatment on the quality of camel meat. The studied parameters are moisture content, macronutrient composition, color, pH, and shrinkage, before and after drying. Five groups of 108 camel meat slices with dimensions of 100 ×20 x 4 mm (length x width x thickness) were constituted. The control group (group 1) received no treatment. Groups 2 and 3 were immersed for 30 and 90 minutes respectively in a 19 % sodium chloride solution at 4 °C, then sun-dried. As for groups 4 and 5, they were treated in the same way for 30 and 90 minutes, but oven-dried at 65 °C. Results demonstrate that increasing the soaking time reduced the drying duration from 20 to 16 hours for oven drying and 14–12 hours for sun drying. Moisture content decreased from 73.94±0.31 % to 13.33±0.15 %, while protein levels decreased from 75.76±0.04 % to 74.465±0.02 % and 74.97±0.04 % for oven drying and 74.25±0.07 % to 74.51±0.01 % for sun drying after 30 and 90 minutes of soaking, respectively. A decrease in lipid content from 21.65±0.04 % to 19.10±0.06 % and 19.14±0.08 % was also observed during oven drying and 19.33±0.07 % to 19.12±0.09 % for sun drying. Sodium levels increased from 260.47±1.46 mg/100 g to 1690.36±1.94–1712.11±5.14 mg/100 g for oven drying and 1704.48±7.16 mg/100 g - 1714.89±4.18 mg/100 g for sun drying. Longer soaking times increased total color variation for both drying methods. By using cold brine, the nutrients in the muscle slices are preserved and the final product is lower in salinity.

On the water desorption of fruits: a case study of watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus)
REDA KHAMA, ANGELIQUE LEONARD. On the water desorption of fruits: a case study of watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus). Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal [Internet]. 2024;26 (2) :238-252. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Studies on drying of the watermelon seeds or rinds are available, but not on drying of the fruit flesh. Data on the sorption of watermelon fruit (Citrullus Lanatus), which are useful and important when identifying optimal food drying and storage conditions, are also not available. Therefore, the main goal of this study is to investigate the water desorption behavior of watermelon using the dynamic method requiring the automated dynamic vapor sorption (DVS) technique based on a humidity-generating device. The moisture desorption isotherms are determined at three different temperatures (20°C, 30°C and 40°C) over a relative humidity range of 0-80%. In addition, 11 different models are applied to the experimental data in order to select the appropriate desorption curve equation. The models are compared using the correlation coefficient, the coefficient of determination, the standard error, the reduced chi-squared, the mean bias error and the root mean square error; they are predicted by a non-linear regression analysis using the Curve Expert software and MS Excel computer program. The effect of the temperature on the constants of the found equation is also examined. Besides, the desorption isosteric heat of watermelon is determined using the Clausius-Clapeyron relation. Contrary to long times taken in the static method, the results show that 4.5 days are widely sufficient to reach the equilibrium via the DVS device. In addition, the obtained curves are of the type III and the Henderson model best fits the experimental data. In the interval 0.05-0.45 kg dry matter-1 of equilibrium moisture, the values of the isosteric heat vary from 65.02 to 113.25 kJ mol-1. Finally, the equation giving the isosteric heat of desorption v.s. the equilibrium moisture content is obtained.

On the food solar drying process
REDA KHAMA. On the food solar drying process. In: Innovative Technologies in Algeria, Recent Studies in 2024 (ISBN : 978-9969-538-33-5 ; Dépôt Légal : 06/2024). Tlemcen, Algérie: Maison des universitaires ; 2024. Publisher's Version
Studying quality characteristics of dried Algerian strawberries
INES BOULIFA, REDA KHAMA. Studying quality characteristics of dried Algerian strawberries. In: Innovative Technologies in Algeria, Recent Studies in 2024 (ISBN : 978-9969-538-33-5 ; Dépôt Légal : 06/2024). Tlemcen, Algérie: Maison des universitaires ; 2024. Publisher's Version
Establishment of a novel chart for a Flat-Plate Solar Collector (FPSC) operating under the climate of Ouargla city, Algeria
REDA KHAMA. Establishment of a novel chart for a Flat-Plate Solar Collector (FPSC) operating under the climate of Ouargla city, Algeria. In: Innovative Technologies in Algeria, Recent Studies in 2024 (ISBN : 978-9969-538-33-5 ; Dépôt Légal : 06/2024). Tlemcen, Algérie: Maison des universitaires ; 2024. Publisher's Version
ÉTUDE DU SÉCHAGE CONVECTIF DES FRUITS (ISBN : 978-9969-538-30-4 ; Dépôt Légal : 06/2024)
KHAMA REDA. ÉTUDE DU SÉCHAGE CONVECTIF DES FRUITS (ISBN : 978-9969-538-30-4 ; Dépôt Légal : 06/2024). 1st ed. Tlemcen, Algérie: Maison des universitaires; 2024 pp. 75. Publisher's Version
DÉCOUVRIR LA CRYOGÉNIE (ISBN : 978-9969-538-18-2 ; Dépôt Légal : 05/2024)
KHAMA REDA. DÉCOUVRIR LA CRYOGÉNIE (ISBN : 978-9969-538-18-2 ; Dépôt Légal : 05/2024). 1st ed. Tlemcen, Algérie: Maison des universitaires; 2024 pp. 85. Publisher's Version
ÉNERGIE : Aspects, impacts & transition (ISBN: 978-9969-538-13-7 ; Dépôt Légal : 04/2024)
KHAMA REDA. ÉNERGIE : Aspects, impacts & transition (ISBN: 978-9969-538-13-7 ; Dépôt Légal : 04/2024). 1st ed. Tlemcen, Algérie: Maison des universitaires; 2024 pp. 60. Publisher's Version
Improving open sun and indirect solar drying kinetics with physicochemical quality of regal seedless grapes by novel pretreatment solution
Rahmani Y, Khama R. Improving open sun and indirect solar drying kinetics with physicochemical quality of regal seedless grapes by novel pretreatment solution. Journal of Stored Products Research (ISSN: 0022-474X) [Internet]. 2024;106 (May 2024) :102292. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper reports a study of the physicochemical quality and the drying behavior of regal seedless grapes (RSG), pretreated with a novel solution (Olive oil: 2%, calcium carbonate: 2% and distilled water: 96%), then open sundried and dried in an indirect solar dryer. To show the effect of soaking time and temperature of the solution, two soaking times are carried out (120 and 240 s) at two temperatures (333.15 and 353.15 K). Quality indicat or such as shrinkage, color, rehydration capacity, titratable acidity, power of hydrogen (pH) and polyphenol content are evaluated. The results show that the time required to dry treated RSG varies from 220 to 328h during indirect solar drying (ISD) (during 428 h for untreated samples), and from 164 to 180 h during open sun drying (OSD) (during 290 h for untreated samples). The effective moisture diffusivity of solar-dried RSG ranges from 0.316 to 3.030 mm2 s − 1 and that of open sun-dried regal seedless grape ranges from 0.706 to 5.700 mm2 s − 1 . Pretreatment affects the pH values significantly, whereas the rehydration capacity showes a large difference between the treated and untreated RSG. The solar-dried RSG has more stable color and ISD retains more of their polyphenol content.

Dried Camel (Camelus dromedarius) Meat Contributing to Food Safety
Rahmani Y, Khama R. Dried Camel (Camelus dromedarius) Meat Contributing to Food Safety. Biology and Life Sciences Forum [Internet]. 2023;22 (1). Publisher's VersionAbstract

The effect of static drying on the physicochemical quality of camel (Camelus dromedarius) meat slices as driedin an oven at 65 ◦C, with the aim of contributing to food safety. During the experiments, meat was cutinto. 8 ± 0.2 cm thick slices, soaked in a saline solution for 30 min, and then dried. Moisture content wasmeasured during the drying phase, and physicochemical parameters, such as protein, ash, sodium, pH, and mineral content, such as calcium (Ca), phosphor (P), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn), were monitored before and after drying. The colorimetric parametersof the dried samples are also measured. The results show that the physicochemical quality of the dried camelmeat meets the requirements of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Indeed, the moisture content decreased from 73.94 ± 0.51% to 13.33 ± 0.44%, and the dried food samples were characterized by increases (i) from 19.72 ± 0.30% to 50.97 ± 0.65% in protein content; (ii) from 1.115 ± 0.012% to 4.781 ± 0.047%, in ash content; (iii) from 260 ± 11.7 mg to 1690 ± 32 mg, in the sodium content (for 100 g of dry matter), and (iv) from 5.956 ± 0.087 to 6.203 ± 0.091 in pH value. However, the variation is not significant for all mineral content parameters. Finally, themean values of the colorimetric parameters of brightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*) are 37.13 ± 1.64, 22.02 ± 0.72, and 7.73 ± 0.69, respectively (before drying) and they are 25.57 ± 1.56, 9.43 ± 0.78, and 3.74 ± 0.21, respectively (after drying).

Keywords: Camelus dromedarius; camel meat; drying; quality; safety food


Youcef RAHMANI, Réda KHAMA. STUDY THE EFFECT OF SUN AND MICROWAVE DRYING ON QUALITY OF CAMEL MEAT (Camelus dromedarius) SLICES. Algerian Journal of Arid Environment [Internet]. 2022;12 (1) :98-107. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Drying is still considered to be an efficient and important process used for food preservation. Several drying methods are commonly used, so it would be interesting to compare them. The comparison could focus on the quality of the dried products, which is mainly dependent on changes occurring during processing. In the current contribution, an experimental study of drying camel meat (Camelus dromedarius) by two methods, namely direct sun drying and microwave drying, is performed. The investigation is carried out to determine the adequate better drying technique for camel meat from the region of Ouargla, southeast Algeria. Under pre-treatment in a saline solution during 30 minutes of soaking, the samples used are slices 8 mm thick, 100 mm long and 20 mm wide. They are characterized by the initial water content of 73.38 ± 0.13 %, the protein content of 19.77 ± 0.05 %, an ash content of 1.123 ± 0.009 and a lipid content of 3.72 ± 0.05 %. The sun drying experiments are carried out at an average temperature of 21.55 °C and average relative humidity of 28.57 %. The microwave drying is carried out at a power of 180 and 270 W. At the end of drying, kinetics, rate drying, duration drying, organoleptic properties (color and size) and nutritional values (protein and lipid) are determined in each case. Although drying in the microwave is faster and shorter, the results show that the samples sun dried are better. Indeed, sun drying shows a shrinkage rate of 43.63 ± 0.37 % against 56.75 ± 0.36% at 180 W and 57.65 ± 0.32 % at 270 W for microwave drying, with total color differences of 20.59 ± 0.48 against 24.63 ± 0.73 at 180 W and 23.10 ± 0.70 at 270 W for microwave drying. Protein content increases significantly after sun drying (49.44 ± 0.21) and microwave drying (45.30 ± 0.02 % at 180 W and 40.64 ± 0.01 at 270 W). The results also show lipid preservation of 84.13 % during sun drying and an increase in ash content in both drying processes from 1.123 ± 0.009 to: (i) 4.235 ± 0.015 at 180 W and 4.266 ± 0.037 at 280 W, in microwave drying; (ii) 3.903 ± 0.07 during sun drying.

Keywords: Cameline meat, quality, sun drying, microwave drying, experimentation.



Modeling of drying thin layer of tomato slices using solar and convective driers
Khama R, Aissani-Benissad F, Alkama R, Fraikin L, Léonard A. Modeling of drying thin layer of tomato slices using solar and convective driers. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal [Internet]. 2022;24 (1) :287-298. Publisher's VersionAbstract

This paper presents a mathematical modeling of thin layer drying of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). To this end, two different methods are used to dehydrate tomato slices namely the solar drying (in an indirect solar drier), and the forced convective drying (in a convective drier). In the solar drier, the experiments are carried out at a constant air velocity of 1 m s-1and average temperatures of 37.2°C, 39.9°C and 42.5°C. In the convective drier, the experiments are performed with five different temperatures (30°C, 40°C, 50°C, 60°C and 70°C) at a constant air velocity of 1 m s-1. In order to estimate and select the appropriate drying curve equation, fifteen different thin layer mathematical drying models available in the literature are applied to the experimental data. The models are compared using the correlation coefficient (r) and the standard error (s) and are predicted by a non-linear regression analysis using the Curve Expert software. The Midilli-Kucuk model shows a better fit to the experimental drying data according to (r) and (s) for the two drying methods. The effect of the drying temperature on the parameters of this model is also determined. The experimental drying curves show only a falling drying rate period. On average, tomatoes are dried until the moisture content to 0.15 kg water kg-1 dry matter from 14.36 kg water kg-1 dry matter in the solar drying, and to the moisture content of 0.10 kg water kg-1 dry matter from 12.66 kg water kg-1 dry matter in the convective drying.

Keywords: solar drying, convective drying, tomato slices, thin layer, mathematical modeling, curve expert software.

Rahmani Y, Khama R. Effet du prétraitement sur la capacité de réhydratation des raisins de table "Regal Seedless" séchés dans un séchoir solaire indirect, in Conférence nationale sur les énergies renouvelables et l’efficacité énergétique "CNEREE’2021". Adrar, Algérie: Université Ahmed Draia ; 2021.
Effect of thickness and pretreatment on the physicochemical quality of sun-dried camelina meat
Rahmani Y, Khama R. Effect of thickness and pretreatment on the physicochemical quality of sun-dried camelina meat, in 6th International Symposium on New and Renewable Energy (SIENR). Ghardaia, Algeria: IEEE ; 2021 :1-5. Publisher's Version
Rahmani Y, Khama R. Analyse physico-chimique de la viande cameline séchée au soleil, in A national conference on Energy Systems, Environment, Plasma and Materials "ESEPM’2020". Ghardaïa, Algeria: MESTEL Laboratory, University of Ghardaïa ; 2020.
