Seawater intrusion into fresh water aquifers is due to natural processes or human activities, and consequently salinization results not only from the ground but also from irrigation water. In an attempt to evaluate the effect of seawater irrigation on seedling growth and germination, seeds of three leguminous crops (Pisum sativum, Cicer arietinum and Phaseolus vulgaris) were irrigated with Mediterranean seawater of different concentrations (0, 10, 30, 50 and 100%) for 8-day period. Various parameters such as germination kinetics, mean germination time, germination rate index, shoot and root length, fresh and dry weight and moisture content were analysed.
The results showed that these species were able to germinate at different salinity levels, except for 100% seawater which resulted in total inhibition of germination. Compared with control, seed germination in all species remained unaffected up to 30% of seawater treatments. Indeed, the final germination percentage was maintained between 90 and 100%. A solution of 50% seawater significantly reduced germination rate index and increased mean germination time. 10% of seawater increased shoot and root length in all species compared to the control. The saline conditions reduced the growth parameter such as fresh and dry shoot and root weights of the three-studied species. Shoot and root dry weight was stable by 10, 30 and 50% of seawater except for P. vulgaris seedlings. The decrease in moisture content begins from 30% of seawater solution compared to the control in P. sativum and C. arietinum seedlings. However, it was maintained stable for P. vulgaris compared to the control.