The geographical distribution of the genus Acacia Mill. (Fabales Mimosaceae) in Algeria was determined after the prospect, localization and description of the various species populations overall Algerian territory. Twenty-four regions were prospected, based on relative species abundance. Among the ten-species found in Algeria, only A. karroo and A. saligna can be found in the whole country. However, there are some concentrations in certain northern regions. Acacia decurrens was only found in the Northeast, with high concentrations at the National Park of El Kala. Five of them are recorded in the southwest (A. albida, A. ehrenbergiana, A. nilotica, A. seyal and A. tortilis). Acacia farnesiana is indicated in the Northeast and the Northwest. Acacia laeta individuals were very rare. According to the climatic data during the years 2000-2016, the following species adapted to the annual pluviometry, that is lower than 100 mm: A. albida, A. ehrenbergiana, A. laeta, A. nilotica, A. seyal and A. tortilis. Three species (A. karroo, A. farnesiana and A. saligna) are in zones with an annual pluviometry between 250 and 500 mm). Acacia decurrens is located in a zone in which the annual precipitation exceeds 1000 mm. This study shows the distribution of the Acacia species in Algeria.