This paper describes the potential probiotic properties of a lactic acid bacterium. The evolution from a spontaneous fermentation to a directed one is realized with selected lactic starters which give many dairy products processing various organoleptic characters. The integration of new lactic acid bacteria strains isolated from diverse ecosystems is now used to increase the duration of bio-preservation of dairy products. Moreover, some lactic acid bacteria probiotic activity is exploited to produce functional food. The aim of this study is to research of the possible probiotic and technological potential with some preventive and therapeutic characteristics of some
Lactobacillus species isolated from Algerian Raw Goat Milk. The selected isolate was identified to species level as
Lactobacillus plantarum (58) using API 50CH Kits. Microbiological and biotechnological techniques were used to fulfill this work. Results obtained have shown that
Lactobacillus plantarum (58) can resist to acidic, basic and enzymatic stresses. So, the former strain can be considered as a probiotic. Moreover, the inhibition activity of the
Lactobacillus plantarum (58) against pathogens strains (
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923,
Escherichia coli ATCC 25921,
Bacillus cereus,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Vibrio cholerae,
Listeria ivanovii ATCC 19119 and
Salmonella enterica) is clearly obtained by testing these strains with the direct method. Finally, Raw Goat Milk can be defined as an ecosystem that promotes the development of a microflora with probiotic characteristics.
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