Histological assessment of topical mixture of Thymus vulgarishoney and Nigella sativa L seed powder on skin wound healingin sheep


Honey and Nigella sativa L has been known for millennia of years for its therapeutic healing properties. This
present histopathological study aims to evaluate the healing activity of Algerian bee honey derived from the
nectar of Thymus vulgaris mixed with N. sativa seed powder on a sheep model. Induction of wounds with
longitudinal incisions of full thickness, was carried out in the dorsal part of 09 healthy sheep belonging to the
animal facility of the veterinary department of the University of Batna 1. After inductions of the wounds, the
animals were distributed to the randomly in 03 batches of animals of 03 sheep for each with appropriate topical
care for each batch: the batch of animals treated with Thymus vulgaris honey mixed with N. sativa seed powder
(HNS), the Madicassol batch and the Vaseline. The topical application of the various treatments was carried out
once a day for 02 successive weeks. Histopathological evaluation was performed by measuring scar tissue
thickness. In the batch of animals treated with HNS mixture, the thickness of the scar tissues revealed a
significant decrease compared to the Madicassol and Vaseline batches. No keloid or detectable in the wounds of
the mixture HNS lot. The results of this experimental study suggested that the topical use of local honey from the
nectar of T.vulgaris mixed with N. sativa seed powder significantly reduced the thickness of wound healing in