Conception et manipulation d’une base de donnée géographique pour la gestion du réseau de transport en commun urbain dans la ville de Batna

Etudiant (e) : Diab Asma 

Soutenance : Juin 2014

Abstract :

Faced with the complexity and multitude of data to the scope of actors in the field of transport, the implementation of a Geographic Information System reveals one of the best means of controlling the information and assistance decision.

This work addresses the implementation of the GIS network of urban public transport in the city of Batna is located in Algeria, this tool is introduced to refine the understanding of the situation and to improve the availability of service in the city. It outlines the approach, design, architecture and the organization of the interface and the different stages that require the implementation of a GIS with an actor of the urban function. The work presents, through the analysis of the accessibility of the few examples of the many applications of GIS.

From modeling, then the work shows different inputs such tool, spatial analyzes that allow readings coverage and network performance. How is this network today urban transit over the location of the various categories of economic and social issues of the city? He also mentioned the difficulties, failures and opportunities for extension of the DBMS. Finally, it tries to suggest solutions and improved network and its current structure by development proposals.

Keywords: Urban transport, Batna, Modeling, DBMS, GIS, Spatial Analysis.